
Showing posts from July, 2022

10 big legal mistakes made by startups

  Sometimes when you start a business, you miss out on small elements that can  amount to a lot in the future. Read on to learn about the 10 biggest legal mistakes made by startups. Startups that can avoid legal blunders right from the start have a higher chance of success than those  that fail to foresee and plan for them from the start. Avoid these top 10 big legal mistakes as a startup to steer your direction clear- 1. Failing to agree with co-founders' clear The co-founders' agreement must be in place if the firm is to be founded with co-founders to avoid  unnecessary effort, expense, and confusion. Since they are just considering the present and ignoring prospective hiccups, the co-founders may experience mental and financial difficulties due to circumstances and expectations shifting. 2. Starting a business without becoming an LLC or corporation Starting your firm as an LLC or corporation can help you save money on taxes and make your  structu...